monday muse :: jessica k from house inhabit
say aloha to jess kraus
monday muse | mama to four boys | creative @houseinhabit
jess is one of those rare species on instagram who comes across exactly as she does in reality - whatever reality is these days - and what we mean by that is - that she has the ability to translate her waking life into words & pictures via instagram that it is refreshingly honest & beautiful. the word authentic gets thrown around a lot these days but it is one we can honestly reserve wholeheartedly to this soCal familia. her four boys are different as chalk & cheddar cheese but also band together as rambunctious brothers in arms.
what kinda' mama invites you into her home at the end of a long hot american summer & in the midst of a house renovation? not many. if any. jess welcomed us in with her laidback languid manner & while we munched on corn chips & salsa, we shot our land of liberty collection amongst the half done-still-ok-to-skate-inside-floors & almost completed hand-crafted kitchen with said pack of groms running & skating & rumbling & rolling throughout the space.
the result is a perfectly raw & incredible capture of a california family with 70’s soul & charm and a wonderful testament to a mama raising her boys & allowing space for them all to become exactly who they are meant to be.
q & a with jessica kraus
my favourite outfit as a kid was a navy polka dotted button down esprit dress.
on the weekends we are at the beach.
what i have learnt about boys. they are sweet, sensitive, can get over things easy, but also have an innate desire to break stuff.
kurt or dave. kurt forever.
wayne or garth. claudia.
ernie or bert. ernie.
a scene from a film that lingers is the crazy one with jack and shirley driving the convertible on the beach in terms of endearment.
the best spot to hang in our home is the side yard now that’s it’s coming together with landscape, where you can see the harbor and soak up the prettiest sunsets.
the lyrics that play on my mind. all of tangled up in blue lives in my head permanently.
the ultimate shade of white is that bright crisp (but not stark or blue tinged) white.
timber of choice. cedar.
my fave kawaiian piece is the ditsy floral pillow pair & flying sea stars throw.
my mama always told me to write more.
i always tell my boys. work hard at the things you love and be nice to people.
photos | @tarynkentphoto
threads | @seaestasurf
accessories | @gunnandswain